The weather is what we talk about best as British people....

I think that myself, along with everyone else who wants to go camping, wants the weather to improve already! There is a minor rumour going around about a 3rd cold spell... which I dont care about unless it snows. If it snows, our country falls apart. Completely. No one has been taught to drive in freezing conditions.

Saying that, neither was I, I somehow just know. Again, it might be my job, or my mother, who always seems to have the answer to everything. The concept however is very simple.

If you drive a BMW, just dont go out. Full stop. Or indeed the same for any rear wheel drive vehicle. PLEASE JUST DON'T GO OUT. It's you that messes up this country. 

If you drive anything that is front wheel drive, go slooooowllly. Start moving off in second gear perhaps, third if its really icy. Try not to let your wheels spins, because when they do they polish the floor and make it worse, or dig down, and obviously wheel spin is frictionless so that means you won't move.

Or alternatively, just dont go out if you dont need to. I'm sure most employers should be reasonable about the danger of destroying your car. Then you really won't be able to get to work, and lets face it, if you have a vehicle or two, you dont want to pay for a taxi or the train.

If you need food, look at the shops closest to you. Try your local mini shop rather than your big supermarket for once. You may even discover a new gem!

Anyway, enough of my rant. I started this blog post ages ago, when the snow and ice were about. Today, the sun came out! A whole 15 degrees it was today. On my short journey out of the house today I actually put both my front windows down, and at one point had the AC on! Almost unheard of! Or at least its been so long since there was any warmth in this country I nearly forgot how to turn my AC on....

Despite the lack of ice, the rain has now made an appearance, which is now making it difficult for me to get my drone up in the air. I need to learn to fly it so I can take it through the arch and Durdle Door..... I have managed to find an evening where it wasn't windy or raining and was able to get it up in the sky at work, video posted below.

Looks good doesn't it? Well I think so anyway, so whenever we eventually manage to get out to Durdle Door and camp without freezing to death, maybe I'll have some good aerial footage for you.

Finally, youtube told me the other day I have reached 100 subscribers! Yay!! Only 900 more to go and then I may be able to earn some ad revenue to pay for the cost of my drone...and the van....and the sheltapod....and the stuff I've had to fix and replace on the van....and my car who's front springs snapped recently...and the new tyre for the spare wheel on the van that I need....and the MOT thats coming up for the van....I could go on..

If you haven't already please Subscribe to my channel and I promise at some point I may actually post some camper related and somewhat interesting videos. Please hang in there!


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