
Showing posts from April, 2018

The weather is what we talk about best as British people....

I think that myself, along with everyone else who wants to go camping, wants the weather to improve already! There is a minor rumour going around about a 3rd cold spell... which I dont care about unless it snows. If it snows, our country falls apart. Completely. No one has been taught to drive in freezing conditions. Saying that, neither was I, I somehow just know. Again, it might be my job, or my mother, who always seems to have the answer to everything. The concept however is very simple. If you drive a BMW, just dont go out. Full stop. Or indeed the same for any rear wheel drive vehicle. PLEASE JUST DON'T GO OUT. It's you that messes up this country.  If you drive anything that is front wheel drive, go slooooowllly. Start moving off in second gear perhaps, third if its really icy. Try not to let your wheels spins, because when they do they polish the floor and make it worse, or dig down, and obviously wheel spin is frictionless so that means you won't move.